Digunakan utk mengontrol CNC 4 Axis. dan juga bisa dipakai utk CNC 3 Axis. Kecepatan transfer data tinggi yaitu 100 KHz shg sangat stabil saat mentransfer data gcode ke driver motor stepper. USB sistem plug & play.
1. Support for 4-axis linkage, you can connect four stepper motor drives or servo drives.
2. Maximum step-pulse frequency is 100KHz, which is suitable for the servo or stepping motor.
3. Support automatic probe tool.
4. Support Emergency input.
5. Support for limit switch.
6. Support for connecting electronic handwheel.
7. Need use external 24V DC power supply to isolate USB and external port, and to make the system more stable.
8. Have 0-10V output port, you can use mach3 software to control the spindle motor speed.
9. 4 general-purpose inputs, you can connect the limit switch, e-stop switch, probe switch, back to zero and other device.
10. 4 general-purpose isolated relay drive output interface, can drive four relays for controlling the spindle starts, forward rotating and reverse rotating, pumps and other device.
11. 1 status LED, indicate connection status on the board.
Kelengkapan paket:
1 x USB CNC Controller Card.
1 x USB cable.
1 x CD.