Detail Produk RAMPS 1.4 3D Printer Control Panel RepRap Mendel Prusa Hypercube Etopi
- RAMPS 1.4 3D printer control panel RepRap Mega Pololu Shield (RAMPS)
- Designed to fit the entire electronics needed for a RepRap in one small package for low cost.
- RAMPS interfaces an Arduino Mega with the powerful Arduino MEGA platform and has plenty room for expansion.
- The modular design includes plug in stepper drivers and extruder control electronics on an Arduino MEGA shield for easy service, part replacement, upgrade-ability and expansion.
- Additionally, a number of Arduino expansion boards can be added to the system as long as the main RAMPS board is kept to the top of the stack.
- RAMPS 1.4 uses surface mount capacitors and resistors to further cover edge issue cases.
- Berat : 100 gr
- Kondisi : Baru
Arduino mega, stepstick driver, stepper not included.
Pin jumper included.
RepRap, Mendel, Prusa i3, Hypercube. Etopie dll